This is a preview of our new video podcast, in which we speak with people who are blurring the boundaries between the roles of artists, makers, musicians, dancers, coders…

We were overjoyed to be able to invite our friends and collaborators Joanne Cox and Kate Lovell on as our first guests. Joanne has been working on the research and development two main projects over the last few years: Defiant Journey and Define Your Journey.

Defiant Journey is a stage show incorporating music (with Joanne’s Dragon Cello filling the space), interactive electronics with vibrations, movement, sign interpretation, and plenty of opportunities to get involved. It’s all about the experience of being a Neurodivergent/Disabled artist in our current time.

Define Your Journey is an interactive online experience which grew out of Defiant Journey during the pandemic. It follows the same themes, uses the same music, but the creative process of bringing this work online, including our cross-continental collaboration, has really changed the shape.

Over the next few posts we’ll be highlighting some key moments from our conversation, before we release the full hour-long episode. And watch this space for more opportunities to start new collaborations!
