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Joël Dazé presents the OctoBox

This post is a work in progress and will be updated as we are able to upload new footage from our archives… Our frequent collaborator and newly appointed project partner Joël Dazé has been getting to know our custom boards following a brief development session last year. The result: the beginnings of a new instrument […]

Screen reader access to the Gamelan Room

Blurring the Boundaries Arts were recently involved in an access review for the Gamelan Room website created by UK organisation Good Vibrations. During this project, we worked with consultant Jason Dasent to review screen reader access for the web app, as well as a general introduction for screen reader users. This gave us an opportunity […]


Define Your Journey: why bed bugs?

This is a preview of our new podcast, in which we speak with people who are blurring the boundaries between the roles of artists, makers, musicians, dancers, coders… In this part of the conversation, we got into some of the reasons Joanne had chosen to feature bed bugs in her pieces…and this led to some […]


Sound Ideas

Blurring the Boundaries have teamed up with the National accessArts Center in Calgary to develop a series of workshops. Watch and listen to a collaborative piece developed in week 2: Play along with the video using an embedded instrument: Play These instruments have been developed based on ideas and code in Joanne Cox’s Define Your […]
