This is a cross-disciplinary project aimed at bringing rapid instrument prototyping to an integrated dance context, led by Disabled artists in the UK and Canada.

For more information, please read our about page, and you can find an example of our workshop format here.
While this page is in development, please bear with us as we add image descriptions, audio/visual elements, and other elements for wider access.
If you have found this page difficult to access for any reason, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can reach us on Twitter at @blurtheboundary
Blurring the Boundaries is part of New Conversations, a programme funded and delivered by the British Council, Farnham Maltings, and the High Commission of Canada in the UK. The fund is designed to encourage and support the development of creative exchange, collaboration and partnerships between artists and arts organisations in the performing arts sector in the UK and Canada.